The Six Things We Learned This Year about Publishing: Collab with Mari Suggs
Hi guys!! I've got a super exciting collaboration for you today! Fellow author, Mari Suggs, and I put our heads together and we've compiled a list of the most important things we've learned about publishing this year! Three of the things we've learned are here on my blog, and the other three are posted on Mari's blog! (Link at bottom of post). It's a little bit like a treasure hunt! How fun is that! :)
So without further adieu, let's get right to it! Take it away, Mari!

Hi there, in case you don’t know me, I’m Mari Suggs author of the novels More Than Words Can Say and Falling for You and one nonfiction work #Believe Dammit, which was just released last month. I’m beyond happy to have collaborated with Kim and I look forward to working with her again in the future. Here are my top three takeaways when it comes to self-publishing.
It’s Not Just About Writing
Perhaps one of the most important lessons I’ve learned when it comes to publishing is that it’s not just about the book and your writing, it’s about much more than that. For example, you have to learn to market and connect with your audience beyond your literary work. I know that most writers are introverts, and I’m no exception. In fact, at times I’ve thought I was the biggest introvert of all, and even with that, I had to learn to stretch and grow so that I could survive in the publishing world. I started out by writing my book, but that wasn’t enough. So, I started a blog, then a Facebook page, then Twitter, then a Website, then Instagram and now YouTube—which as an introvert—this was the most difficult space of all. As you can see, publishing is not just about writing the book and getting it published, it’s also about building a platform from which to stand on.
Rejection Is Part of the Game
Most writers linger somewhere between giddy excitement and sheer terror by having others read their book. One minute we’re totally confident and stand behind the work we’ve put forth, cover to cover. And other days, well, other days not so much. Yet, this matters little in the grand scheme of publishing. The number one thing we must get used to is that opinions are subjective, and therefore, rejection is part of the game. As writers we will put ourselves out there because we want to live out our dream of getting published, thus rejection will inevitably follow. However, we should never take rejection personally, not everyone is going to like your work—or you, but that’s okay. Though rejection is something we must live with, it doesn’t have to control our writing.
Success is Possible
Self-publishing is not as frowned upon as it once was. Many well established authors have decided to self-publish because of the creative freedom it allows them. Over the years I’ve learned that as a self-published author I am allowed the same opportunities as traditionally published folks. We can attend book conferences, we can have our books in stores, we can have amazing book covers and we can sell millions of copies like self-published Queen “Amanda Hocking.” Self-publishing is a lot of hard work, but it’s also a lot of fun because you are commander of your ship. You get to decide the scenes that stay and go; you get to pick your editor, your book cover, your release date, your launch party theme, your tour, etc. In other words, you get to make all the tough—but fun, decisions.
Okay, well that’s all you guys. These are three things I’ve learned this year about publishing. If you would like to connect with me, I blog and vlog about writerly things and life tips, you can find me here.
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About Mari:

Mari Suggs is the Bestselling Author of the novels, More Than Words Can Say & Falling For You. Her first non-fiction book, #Believe Dammit: 10 Principles for Attracting and Creating the Life You Crave was released September 26, 2017.With her fiction work she delivers light-hearted contemporary fiction reads, while her nonfiction credits provide fun and inspiring tips on living a positive & purpose driven life. Together, her books make the perfect home for anyone seeking some rom-com down time, with a side of goal-setting.She began her writing career in 2009, and at first, she was completely surprised that she had gotten hit by the writing bug. In the early days it appeared as though it had come out of nowhere. Like poof, she woke up one day and she was a writer. But upon further review of her life, she noticed how writing had always been something she wanted to do. She could recall moments when something would happen and her first response would be, I should write a book about that. So, she decided to go back to school and get a Bachelor's degree in English, specializing in creative writing. Suggs resides in Orlando, FL with her husband and children.
Thanks so much, Mari, for collaborating with me on this one! It was so much fun!
To read my portion of the blog go HERE.
For those of you that are on the publishing path, what lessons have you learned?
Until next time, folks!