#ChanceChallenge: September Writing Challenge
Hi guys! So...for the past few weeks, I've been thinking a lot about my current WIP. I'm so in love with it, but it's been some time since I've actually worked on it. This is largely due to the fact that I had a baby and moved to a new place and just didn't have the physical or emotional capabilities to give it the time it deserved. However, things have settled down, and I've decided that it's been sitting on the back burner for far too long. I'm ready to dive back in, and not only that, but I'm ready to bust my butt and bring that story to life. It took me 3 and 1/2 years to write KEEPER, and if I want to progress my career as a writer, I need to keep putting books out there--and it can't take me a million years to write them. Thus the birth of this new Chance Challenge!
I mentioned on a Instagram live video a week or so ago that I wanted to do something akin to NaNoWriMo, but I didn't want to wait until November to start it. I asked if anyone would be interested in participating with me, and also if anyone knew of a platform that could support us. Well, you guys not only want to jump on this crazy train with me, but so many of you sent in some really awesome suggestions for how and where we could accomplish the challenge--thank you for that!
For the challenge, I've decided to use a website called My Write Club (www.mywriteclub.com). It's free, and though its design is simple, I think it has everything we need for our challenge! Once you create an account, you can create a goal as well as follow other writer buddies! We can comment of each other's goals AND (this is the cool part!) we can actually participate in live writing sprints together! I'm so excited about this and so excited that so many of you want to participate! I'm going to really need some accountability because my goal is to write at least 50K in four weeks. I hope to write more than that, but 50k is the goal.

Here's how the challenge will work. It will begin on September the 11th and run through October the 9th. I'll be using the hastag, #ChanceChallenge to post updates but also to announce when I'll be doing sprints. If you'd like to participate, it's super easy! Just head over to mywriteclub.com and create an account and your own goal. It doesn't have to be 50K like mine, but be sure to take advantage of this opportunity and challenge yourself! Also, once you create an account, don't forget to follow me (my username is kimwritesbooks) so you can keep track of my progress and I can keep track of yours! ALSO, be sure to share your username over on the forum (click on the "for writers" tab and also on the hashtag so you can follow some new writing buddies!! Accountability is key!
At the end of the challenge, we'll have a super awesome gif dance party via twitter and congratulate each other on how awesome we all are!

I hope all of you will plan on joining me for the challenge! You've got a little less than two weeks to do planning and preparation and then come September 11th, it will be time to write!
Eeek! I'm so excited! Please feel free to spread the word!
See ya on the 11th!